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Connecting kids with Christ, others, and themself

Who We are

Creating a global community of children who break the generational cycles of abuse, trauma, and poverty through radical love and empowerment. 


Camp connection is a global summer camp! It will start with two components: First, will be a camp in Kenya. The second will be a summer camp on a sailboat in the Florida Keys. Once both camps are established, the camps will connect where each camper will be given a pen pal to build a global friendship through writing letters of encouragement to each other.


Phase 1: Kenya (Spring 2022)

Through partnerships with the CDTD and Camp Rapids, create a summer camp experience to allow girls who are victims of human trafficking, slave labor, and sexual violence a safe space to attend and experience God's radical love. Campers will go rafting, kayaking, rock climbing, and be pushed out of their comfort zone through several land and water team building activities 


Phase 2: Florida Keys (Summer 2023)

7-day live aboard program for at-risk youth to learn and strengthen life-skills through outdoor adventures in the Florida Keys in a Christian environment 


Living on a boat gives individuals a large amount of responsibility and trustworthiness in a controlled environment. They will learn the in’s and out’s to being the crew on the boat, sailing the boat to various locations, and growing as a team through various games and activities.


Phase 3: Connect the 2 programs! (Date TBD)

Campers will be paired as pen pals. They will be able to encourage and inspire each other, increasing their self determination and strengthening global relations from a young age.



Phase 4 & beyond

Develop an after-school program in the FL Keys during the school year of campers. Lease a second sailboat for the summer, expand length and number of programs in Kenya, bring people to Kenya to assist w/ camps and vice versa...the potential and opportunities are endless! 

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